Our Mission Statement
Our Mission Is:
“To share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all people; showing love and enthusiasm and by being an open and accepting congregation, working towards life in all its fullness.”
Sunday Morning Service
First, Second & Fourth Sunday's 10.45am - Holy Communion
Third Sunday of each month 10am - Breakfast Church, continental breakfast for 10.45am family service
Fifth Sundays are Oulton Broad Team Ministry joint services
10:45 AM
Around 1100 A.D.
The 11th century Norman church of St Michael, Oulton. The church stands of the crest of a hill commanding wide views to the west over the marshlands of the Waveney Valley.
In The Medieval Period
When the church was first built, possibly about the year 1100, the village clustered around the church. In the medieval period the sea-levels would have been 10 to 15 feet higher than they are today and there would have been imposing views across the flooded valley below the church to the distant Norfolk village of Burgh St Peter.
The 15th Century
The little hill or knoll standing above the surrounding marshes upon which our church stands is the kind of site our ancestors would have chosen to build their dwellings and it is interesting to note that though the name Oulton does not appear in the DomesdayBook record, there was a manor in Lothingland called Duneston which had once been the property of Ala the Saxon.
Oulton St. Michael's stands guard over the railway entry to Lowestoft and district and can be seen as you travel in on the valley side above you. All are welcome to join our faithful and friendly congregation in prayer and worship.